Overview: Your emotional side is out in full force today, causing you to act in very unpredictable (but caring) ways. You'll be even more impulsively sweet than you usually are! Today, you won't have time to decide to be compassionate. You will just be compassionate without thinking. Your arms will reach out to catch someone who's falling. Your ears will perk up to take in what someone is saying. And your heart will ache when someone you care about is hurting.
Career: It's a perfect day to demonstrate your leadership abilities. You can't just tell others to follow you, of course. You have to have ideas to share. Luckily, today brings both inspiration and a venue for airing it.
Singles: Compassion becomes you, so put yourself in other peoples' shoes. Maybe the person you're having an awkward chat with is just nervous, or your late dinner companion hit terrible traffic.
Couples: Another person can't be responsible for your fulfillment in life. You have to be in charge of that. Lift that burden from your partner and you'll see how much more room your relationship has to breathe.
Finance: Don't worry about how your finances compare to others just yet. The curtain is still drawn, but once it's pulled back and all is revealed, you'll be surprised as well as comforted, and not just because misery loves company.