The extraordinary efforts of someone in your crew (social circle, office clique, team, whatever) are creating some incredible opportunities for you ri...
The heat is getting turned up a lot higher in one of your personal relationships, but unfortunately, it might not be in a good way. Look for little an...
Staying conservative and cautious might be the right strategy when it comes to investing money, but when it comes to sharing your emotions, the more e...
You're in a real fix-it mood! Today, you'll want to put things right, make people smile, and solve any and all problems that come your way. But you sh...
Today, you might get so wrapped up in overcoming a challenge that you lose track of time. One minute you're yawning into the morning daylight, and the...
You have an important choice to make. You can either expend all your energy trying to avoid any and all conflict, or you can have fun debating people ...
Sure, it takes a little bit of confidence to get out and meet people. But meeting the right people also takes luck. You need to be in the right place ...
The situation with another person is getting interesting, but it's also getting a lot more complicated. You'll have do some creative problem solving t...
This is a good day for you to work on your self-esteem and communication skills. The day isn't going to be too hectic, so you should have all the time...
Right now, risk is something that you should embrace with all of your heart, not run away from! The exciting opportunity that arrives today might inti...
Try to keep matters of the heart on the up-and-up right now. Being brutally honest is tough sometimes, but it is much more valuable than softening the...
When a goal is too easy to attain, it isn't as fulfilling as a hard-won victory can be. So take the more difficult route today, and don't be too rigid...