Daily Horoscope sagittarius

Sunday, December 22, 2024
Daily Horoscope sagittarius Sagittarius
Sagittarius Today
Sunday, December 22, 2024

Overview: You've always been drawn to strong, fiery people, the kind who make exciting company, because you're never quite sure what they might say or do next. Just that type (your type) could be coming along shortly. But if you don't give yourself some time off from that job or task or project you've taken on, you'll never know. At least give yourself a couple of evenings off. Start with tonight. Deck yourself out in your very best.

Career: It's all good times for you as long as you're using your brain. Whether you're generating ideas or helping clients narrow their focus, you can have fun with the work.

Singles: You're valued even more than usual by those around you, as a deciding voice at work, as a connection among friends. Someone new could also immediately recognize the greatness of you now too.

Couples: Lie low today. If you accidentally find yourself arguing with your partner, things could get ugly. It isn't a sign of any deep distress. It's just that any conflict is going to be supercharged.

Finance: Give yourself a way to get revved up to start each and every morning. Whether it's a new job, a new account or the ever elusive check in the mail, tell yourself that this is the day.

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