Overview: Your humility is definitely a valuable asset, but today you cannot be too shy to step up and take credit for something. Just because you are worried that someone else will be jealous or angry doesn't mean you should turn down praise. If someone else feels more deserving of the acclaim than you, that's their problem. You can't suffer because they are irrational or insecure. You earned this, and you have also earned the right to bask in the glow. Enjoy the applause.
Career: You'll feel like completely different people from one moment to the next. Whether it's because of fluctuating caffeine levels or switching between diverse tasks, your energy will swing wildly throughout the day.
Singles: Remember, just 'cause someone's being demanding doesn't mean you have to give them what they want. So if a friend or potential amour wants more time, more attention, more energy, decide what you can reasonably give.
Couples: Have you been off in your own world for some time? Your beloved has been pretty understanding, but they've been missing your warmth and understanding. The stars say it's time to rejoin the other parts of your life.
Finance: Feeling good is no small thing. Focus on something creative to get you there. Whether you're the one making the art or a member of the audience isn't as important as how much you enjoy it.