Overview: You are so busy getting new things started today that it will incredibly difficult for you to step back and relax. But you need to quiet things down before your energy gets too drained. Give yourself a break later in the day. Make sure there's time to just sit around and do nothing. Resist the urge to fill up your free time for the sake of getting further ahead on a project. You're doing fine on your current timetable, so don't get carried away.
Career: Tired of your job? Change can take a long time, or it can happen quickly if you're open to it. You'll get a hint of the pace today if you keep your ears and eyes open.
Singles: Verbosity and sarcasm work against you now, especially in the datingrealm. If your dating profile is long and dull, take some time to tighten it up. Cut the verbiage and update the photos.
Couples: Enjoy some quiet time relaxing with your partner and daydreaming about the future. Talk about what you'd like to do together, and go ahead and dream big. There's no limit to what you can do.
Finance: Picking the right path in life is important but it's never too late to change tacks if you feel like you're not getting anywhere. It's time to take out your mental and emotional map and compass and start plotting a new course. Success is waiting for you somewhere.