Overview: How other people perceive you is going to be very important right now. Your reputation is something that you really need to focus on. That whole 'live and let live' attitude is usually the right one to go by, but not now. Not when there's so much at stake. You need to impress a few important folks who can make or break your future. The good news is that these people already think you're pretty incredible. All you need to do is verify that they're correct.
Career: Even aamid public outcry, you have the ability to pull back and think deeply about the issues. Be like a prairie dog. Spend some time looking out for predators, but save plenty of time for retreat.
Singles: Watch out for giving and receiving mixed messages! If your crush alternates between chatty and reticent, ask them out and see what happens. Just don't settle for confusion.
Couples: It's important to explore your capacity to relate to people you love on all levels. That way, if your partner expects something you're not prepared to give, you can honestly discuss it without hurt feelings.
Finance: Money has no feelings. It's not generous, and it's not willful either. Do yourself a favor and be dispassionate yourself when thinking about your next few steps. In fact, be as calculating as you can be.