Overview: Just because you're not exactly up to date on what's going on with controversial issues doesn't mean that you don't have a right to an opinion. Education doesn't just come from books and schools. Knowledge can come from everyday interactions with others. So speak up and say what you think about something. Sure, you should be prepared to be schooled on one or two things, but so what? Being proven wrong isn't so bad, as long as you learn something in the process.
Career: Like a puppy who loves to dig up rocks in the backyard, you're fixated on a responsibility that no one ever assigned you. You enjoy this independent crusade, but don't get testy if someone suggests you change course.
Singles: A lighthearted debate never hurt anyone -- in fact, these days, it's a great way to show off your dazzling wit and enthusiasm. So go ahead and challenge your crush's position. You'll both enjoy the discussion.
Couples: How can you and your sweetie concentrate on what you want to happen if you're always dragging the past around? You have today, and if you focus on doing a good job with that, you'll get the future you deserve.
Finance: Your plans have been pushed back, way back. You are all the way back to the daydreaming phase. That's really better than it sounds, as impatient as you are. You're being given time to work out some important bugs.