Overview: Of course you already know that you cannot obey every single impulsive idea you get, but the big question plaguing you today is: How do you know when to go with your latest whim, and how do you know when to stick to your previously made plans? This confusion might verge on the edge of frustration today, when you see so many different opportunities lying at your feet. But if that happens, you know what to do -- stick with the plan and don't add any more stimulation to your life right now.
Career: Anxiety about your home life could compromise your work today. If you see work as a distraction, you'll never succeed. But if you try to see your time at the office as a refuge from chaos at home, you'll be brilliant.
Singles: Find a pickup soccer game or a local hiking club now, and you could get a lot more than a good workout out of it! Not an athletic type? Try a dance class or the swimming lessons you've meant to take for years.
Couples: Family isn't one-size-fits-all. You and your sweetie have friends, coworkers and neighbors who are as important to you as the relatives you were born with. Include them in your definition.
Finance: Do you really have any problems? If you do, you should be the last to know. Spend the day in deep denial, doing as little as possible. That's the only hope you have that karma will catch up to your situation before it's too late.