Overview: Your gut instincts might be an invaluable asset when you're trying to figure out what to order for dinner or what movie to watch, but they're not going to help you when it comes to your money! Research and facts are what you need to get a handle on your finances, and getting a handle on your finances should be top of your priority list. Do a detailed review of what money you have, and more importantly, what money you owe. You will catch things just in time if you act now.
Career: If something smells fishy, walk away. You're in the right at the moment. Don't fall for promises. A little suspicion indicates smarts and bargaining prowess. Wait for a sure thing.
Singles: The fate of the earth weighs heavily on your mind. Learn more about environmental issues. Vow to buy less, recycle more, and reuse when you can. Fill your body with locally grown veggies.
Couples: If you're looking to get through to your partner today, appeal to their intellectual side. They will respond better to facts and concrete ideas than to an emotional display.
Finance: Your domestic happiness is directly tied to your financial state, in case that is not already obvious to you. Working on making more money or getting out of debt is just like working toward future bliss. Put your heart and soul into it.