Overview: The phrase 'no guts, no glory' will have special significance for you today. You will have to step up and show what you are made of in order to get the acclaim that you know you deserve. Sometimes, you have to take the high road and avoid confrontation. Then again, sometimes the confrontation gives you so much satisfaction that you're glad you took the less-high road. Fight for what is yours and do not let other people get in your way. You are just as capable as they are. Remind them of that fact.
Career: It's a balancing act. You want to maintain your employees' goodwill, but you also want to challenge their set ways of thinking. Be wary of introducing ideas too quickly or too rigidly. Give them time to soak in.
Singles: March on over to the person who's currently intriguing you the most -- your ample confidence will back you up (and then some)! Whatever you do, just don't let the day pass without taking a bold step.
Couples: Your sweetie doesn't believe it, but it's true: There's a shy side to your personality. The stars highlight your quieter aspects now. But don't stress! You're beloved whether you're the party's center or on the sidelines.
Finance: Give yourself a break from money. Don't earn any, don't spend any, don't accept any, don't lend any. You get the general idea. Don't even let yourself daydream of riches or sweat with worry. Nada.