Overview: It might take more effort than you feel like putting out there, but you need to try to be active with people today. You don't have to be a social butterfly exactly, but you do need to make a concerted effort to connect with a handful of interesting people. Joining a group is the easiest way to get a shot of social energy. You could really use it right now, whether you know it or not. If you are in a meeting, speak up more than you usually would. Remind people that you are someone who should be heard.
Career: Keep your mind on your work today. That could mean stuffing your ears with wax and pulling the blinds down over the windows. You'll breathe a sigh of immense relief when you finish the day ahead of schedule.
Singles: Focus on the big picture! Are you investing in projects and relationships that may be with you for the long term? Are you taking care of yourself, and keeping your energy up, with regular exercise and meditation? Usually, all this needs to happen before a good love life.
Couples: You're a whiz at expressing yourself, but can you be even more in sync when it comes to communicating with your beloved? As with many other things, timing is key: Wait for opportune moments to broach certain subjects.
Finance: The beauty of a day off is lost if you can't focus on all the small things in life. If your financial worries blot out the sun, then the whole day is spoiled. Do your best not to ruin it.