Overview: Today is going to be centered all around your relationships at work, at home, on the highway. The way you interact with friends and strangers alike is important, so make sure you're paying attention to how you come off to other people. Being a good listener is vital, and biting your tongue is essential. Avoid making assumptions about people, and do some deep breathing to avoid road rage. And no matter who you're talking to, you must be totally honest.
Career: You might not make any major breakthroughs today, but you'll find pleasure in the less prestigious elements of your job. Checking others' work and giving useful feedback will be a source of pride.
Singles: If something feels like it's going wrong now, remember that it's all projection, not reality. Talk things over with a level-headed pal and you'll see things from a more measured perspective.
Couples: You can keep changing the question, but you won't necessarily get the answer you need. Maybe it's time to think about why you want this certain piece of information from your partner so much.
Finance: This is no time to be idealistic. You really can't afford to be anything but practical. Projects that call for your intellectual abilities as well as your passions are wonderful, but you know what they say about beggars.